Keep your hands healthy & strong! at any age.


Anthony Giaquinto

I’m like many of you out there, just a regular, normal hard working person who lives in a typical American suburb.  A married Dad of three great kids who works, dreams, plays and supports their kids aspirations as well. My background was basically traditional, working in the private and public sector for years but always wanting, dreaming and desiring something more on my terms. I had throughout the years while working with my hands either for work, recreation or as a Dad around the house/yard owned many types and pairs of gloves and hand ‘protective’ gear. I had worked to strengthen my hands, increase their flexibility and keep them from aching, cracking, peeling and generally becoming uncomfortable. I had always strived, of course, to prevent serious harm or injury to them. Let’s face it, we need them for literally everything! I have applied all kinds of lotions, topical ointments, creams, balms etc.  to my hands over the years. I like many of you had done everything I could to maintain their health and well being. I thought what if I dedicated an entire idea/concept to that cause. That is how Toughfist was born. Enjoy!

Jean G

Jean Guillermo

Hello world! My name is Jean, a simple, loving mom, and a happy person! 

I’m a writer and researcher at Toughfist, passionate about crafting informative and engaging blog content on gloves and hand protection.

Through my writing, I aim to empower readers with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about protecting their hands, whether for work, hobbies, or everyday activities.

Protect your hands and keep reading our informative blog! Toughfist! 👊