Keep your hands healthy & strong! at any age.


frequently Asked questions

Ever wonder how to keep your hands feeling their best? These hardworking heroes deserve some TLC! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about hand care:

1. ) Cleanliness is Key: Proper Handwashing Habits

A: Hands pick up germs throughout the day, and frequent washing helps prevent the spread of illness.

A: Wet hands, lather with soap for at least 20 seconds (sing “Happy Birthday” twice!), scrub between fingers and under nails, rinse thoroughly, and dry with a clean towel.

A: Absolutely! Dirt and germs can hide under long nails. Keep them clean and trimmed to minimize the risk of infection.

2. ) Moisture Makes a Difference: Hydration and Protection

A: Lotion hydrates your skin, preventing dryness, cracking, and irritation.

A: Look for a lotion with ingredients like shea butter or ceramides for deep hydration. For very dry hands, consider a thicker cream.

A: Apply after washing hands, before bed, and any time your hands feel dry.

3. ) Shield Your Superpowers: Protecting Hands During Activities

A: Always wear gloves when cleaning with harsh chemicals, doing yard work, or washing dishes for extended periods.

A: Pat your hands dry instead of rubbing, and use a gentle, fragrance-free hand soap. Apply lotion more frequently if needed.

A: Yes! Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to the backs of your hands when outdoors for extended periods.

4.)  Stretch and Strengthen: Exercises for Happy Hands

A: Make fists and slowly open your fingers, spread fingers wide and touch each fingertip to your thumb, gently rotate your wrists in circles.

A: Slouching can strain your wrists. Maintain good posture throughout the day to prevent discomfort.

A: Avoid overuse by taking short breaks from repetitive hand activities. Stretch or shake your hands out to prevent stiffness.

5. Pamper and Soothe: TLC for Tired Hands

A: Soak your hands in warm water with olive oil or oatmeal for a relaxing treat.

A: A hand massage helps improve circulation, reduce tension, and leave your hands feeling refreshed

A: If your hands are severely dry or cracked, consult a doctor. For mild irritation, use a gentle moisturizer and wear cotton gloves at night.