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winter hand care

6 Winter Hand Care Tips: Protect Your Hands During Cold Weather

Why do so many of us neglect our hands, although we all know how vital winter hand care routine is for our skin, especially as the colder weather draws near?

The importance of winter nail nourishment and hand care cannot be understated, particularly now. Because you use them frequently and because their skin is thinner and less protected than the rest of your body, your hands require more attention than the rest of your body.

A drop in temperature causes an increase in dry skin, particularly on your hands. Your skin might suffer greatly from the harsh fall and winter weather, leaving your hands extremely dry, itchy, or damaged. Give your hands the attention they require, and don\’t neglect them.

6 Winter Hand Care Tips

According to REMI Network, people in cold and freezing environments are particularly susceptible to extreme skin dryness, a critical condition frequently disregarded that can lead to more severe and costly conditions like dermatitis.

Do not let your hands be exposed to extreme cold and dryness. Follow these six winter hand care practices.

1. Wear Gloves

It would be best to put on gloves when the temperature falls. Your hands will stay warm and protected from chilly winds and temperatures if you wear wool gloves.

It would be best to use rubber gloves indoors when performing household chores like dishwashing or cleaning to prevent your hands from drying out.

2. Use Mild Winter Hand Care Products

Numerous skin care products have alkaline pH balances or alcohol content that dries out your skin. For the chilly winter months, look for products with kinder compositions. Wait until spring before using harsh cleansers, exfoliants, masks, or chemical peels. These items can help your skin look younger. But they can exacerbate the issue if you\’re already dry and itchy.

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Before taking a bath, apply oil to your hands. Your hands will benefit from this protection from hot water and abrasive soaps. Apply moisturizer when your skin is damp after bathing or showering to help lock in moisture. Avoid drying out your skin using mild soaps or soaps infused with moisturizers. The skin won\’t become dry when using mild glycerin soaps.

3. Do Not Overwash Your Hands

The coronavirus pandemic has made frequent hand washing the norm, yet it can damage your skin.

Your skin\’s natural oils can be stripped away by frequent hand washing with abrasive soaps, which makes it more prone to breaking. Use lukewarm water rather than hot water to avoid further drying your skin. To keep your hands supple and moisturized, don\’t forget to use hand lotion immediately after washing them.

You can also use a moisturizing hand sanitizer with skin-friendly chemicals as an alternative to washing with soap and water.

4. Run A Humidifier

During the cold season, humidifiers are useful. When you sleep, keep a humidifier near your bed and in the room you spend the most time in to restore moisture to the air.

You might notice that the air feels especially dry indoors and outside during the colder months. Numerous problems, including chapped or itchy skin, can be brought on by extremely dry air. To keep different regions of the body from becoming dry and irritated, humidifiers give moisture to the air. We advise using a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your hands safe and seal in moisture throughout the night.

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5. Moisturize Daily

It\’s a good idea to moisturize all year after washing your hands. But when winter comes, it\’s still insufficient to make up for all the drying effects of the weather. You\’ll notice you\’re regularly applying lotion to your face and hands.

Use an oil-based or ointment moisturizer rather than creams and lotions. The greatest products for keeping moisture in your skin are ointments. Apply the ointment after washing and drying your hands, body, and face for optimum effects.

At night, apply a deep-moisturizing treatment. Before retiring to bed, use petroleum jelly or a deep-moisturizing lotion, and then put on a pair of cotton gloves to allow the moisturizer to continue to work through the night.

6. Protect Your Hands From the Sun

Many people forget to wear sunscreen while engaging in regular activities during the winter because the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. It\’s crucial to remember that you might still be exposed to damaging UV radiation on chilly, gloomy days, and those rays can be just as potent in the winter.

Wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 during this season, preferably 30 or more, depending on how much time you spend outside. Also, remember that most sunscreens wear off after two hours, depending on your chosen type. If there are no clouds above, avoid being outside for too long, as ultraviolet A rays are more potent when emanating from the sun directly.

Why is Winter Hand Care Important?

Our hands may become dry and more prone to cracking due to falling temperatures and the regular use of hand soaps or sanitizers. We know the solutions to dry skin problems and cracked hands that last a long time!

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The skin covering the back of the hands differs from the skin covering other areas of the body in that it is much thinner and contains significantly fewer sebaceous glands, which causes it to dry up much more quickly.

In comparison, the skin on the palms and fingers is significantly thicker and readily absorbs moisture. Because of this, it\’s crucial to pick a hand cream with enough hydration and components that your skin can absorb.

Without a winter hand care regimen, the backs of the hands are sometimes one of the first areas to exhibit signs of aging. Your hands will seem younger and feel softer if you choose a nice hand cream for your skin type. This will keep them looking good and feeling good.

Even something as simple as doing the dishes without rubber gloves and frequently washing your hands or using hand sanitizer can do more harm than you might realize by robbing the skin of its natural oils, resulting in dry, cracked, and painful skin. Hot water, in particular, has a drying effect on our skin naturally.

Wrapping Up

It would be best to take care of your hands like you take care of your face to keep healthy hand skin. Damage treatment is often more difficult than damage prevention! Start your winter hand care regimen now and see the difference.

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